1. Why We Stress
Everyone has different stress triggers. However, surveys show that work-related stress tops the list. Causes of work stress include being unhappy doing what you do, taking on more responsibility and tasks you can handle, working long hours, working in dangerous conditions, facing discrimination or harassment, among many others.
Life stresses are also inevitable such as the death of a loved one. There’s also divorce, losing a job, financial insecurity, chronic illness, the stress of moving, a traumatic event such as a natural disaster along with a range of emotional problems like depression.
Sometimes stressors come from the inside, like when we stress ourselves out just by worrying about things. Fear, uncertainty or unrealistic expectations can make us more stressed than any outside event.
2. Impact of Stress on the Body and Mind
Whenever we feel stressed, our bodies launch a physical response in attempt to help us. The nervous system springs into action, releasing hormones that prepare you to either fight or run away. To our nervous system, worrying about something in our head and seeing a bear in front us makes no difference. In both situations, the heart will start beating faster, breathing will be shorter, muscles will get tense and adrenaline will kick in. Fortunately, our bodies also know how to recover from stress, but problems arise when are constantly in this fight or flight mode. The constant rush of stress hormones can put a lot of wear and tear on our bodies, causing them to age more quickly and making us more prone to illness.
Stress can result in headaches, fatigue, sleep disturbances, difficulties concentrating, upset stomach and irritability. Chronic stress can lead to depression, heart disease, skin problems, ulcers, IBS and a variety of health issues. Stress symptoms can affect your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior.
3. Tips To Minimize and Cope With Stress
Being able to recognize common stress symptoms and triggers can help you manage them.
Money management
Money issues are also the number-one cause of stress. Knowing you have enough money to cover the rent, Georgia Natural Gas bill and food expenses will help you feel less anxious. Adopting healthy money habits will help you stay on top of your finances and ease the stress in these uncertain times.
Regular physical activity
Working out regularly will help you feel good and stay healthy. Doing any exercise is better than none at all.
Learn how to relax
Whenever we feel stressed, our muscles get tense which results in headaches and pain. Take a few deep breathes and learn how to relax consciously. Stretch often. Treat yourself with a massage every once in a while.
Eat a balanced diet
Drinking too much caffeine will only make you more anxious. Junk food will make your digestive system work even harder without getting any real benefits. Eat a diet in rainbow colors to help your body with the right fuel as opposed to giving it foods that will only make matters worse.
Take regular breaks
Modern life is so busy as if it was on a fast forward button. On the other hand, nature doesn’t hurry yet everything gets done and perfectly. If you cannot meditate or do yoga, tai chi or qi gong, just spend some time in nature by taking a short walk to unplug from the chaos and ‘reconnect’ with what is real. We are and always will be a part of nature, yet our lifestyle makes us forget that.
Eliminate your triggers
If your job is too stressful, consider getting another one. If you are anxious about money, how about getting a side hustle? If you cannot at least reduce your stress triggers, seek professional help to learn how to manage them better.
Managing your stress can make a real difference to your health and overall wellbeing. We live in a time when it’s almost impossible not to get overwhelmed once in a while between juggling work and life commitments. But setting the time aside to unwind is essential for our mental and physical health to remain intact.