If your business hosts a lot of web traffic, it’s important that you understand ways to manage that traffic and keep your site running. Issues with traffic on your site could lead to costly website migrations and repairs, besides the sales that you could lose while the site is down.
It’s important stuff for your business, and it’s worth the time to look at how global server load balancing can keep things in check. We’re going to look at how global server load balancing works, giving you a little server help that could keep your business running well.
Let’s get started.
What Is Global Server Load Balancing?
Load balancing is the process of distributing user traffic around the associated servers of a site to reduce the load that each server has. In some cases, you need to work with a third party that offers various servers to accommodate traffic.
Global server load balancing allows you to distribute your traffic across a vast network of servers. This makes the impact of heavy traffic minimal and allows your website to function at top speed when you need it most.
This is the most intelligent way to handle your traffic, considering the implications of a site shut down or overload of any particular server.
Load balancing companies take insights into the quality of servers at any given time and adjust traffic routing accordingly. A wide distribution of servers also helps to mitigate the risk of any particular server crashing.
The result is a website that’s insulated from the risk of excess traffic. Some people refer to businesses that use this technology as companies with a “Global IP.”
Your IP address is distributed across the globe, making your site more diversified and safe.
Business Implications of Having a Global IP
The first thing that you might notice is the speed of your site. Things will function fast, no matter how many people are using your site at a given time.
This improves user experience as well as your Google Rankings. Google takes site speed as one of its primary factors in rankings. The easier the site is to use, the more people will engage with it, and you’ll get a lot more visibility online.
Further, the protection that comes with a Global IP is significant. Sites that do most of their business online need to have protections in place. An errand mistake on the site could lead to the loss of a business’ livelihood for a period of time.
The costs associated with repairing a site are significant as well. Not to mention that faulty sites lose user trust. All of those factors make it well worth the investment to situate yourself with a method of global server load balancing.
Need More Internet Advice?
Hopefully, our technology help on global server load balancing was of use to you. There’s a lot more to learn about managing a successful site, though. The more information you have, the better you can manage things.
We’re here to help.
Explore our site for more insight into load balancing, tech help, and much more.