Fortune telling based on stars and horoscopes is not something I believe in, but millions do and that’s precisely the market you can tap into with a horoscope site. You may or may not have the seventh sense; it doesn’t matter to you if you don’t because it appears that the stars determine our fate.
In order to get a person to believe that you have their fortune, you need to convince them to see it in their stars. By doing this, you will generate the traffic you need to earn money with other ads and affiliate businesses on the side.
Around the globe, there are thousands upon thousands of horoscope gurus in many genres that make money from this. Magazines, television, radio, newspapers, and of course the Internet make money from this.
Therefore, you can do this too. Just put the horoscope information into your own words; everything else will be easy, as far as content is concerned.
In this world there will always be fascination and a following for this subject, so you will always get a steady stream of followers, most of whom return continuously to get their star sign reports.
It is a requirement to have your own domain and regularly update the information on your site, but that is true for every website. The side businesses that run alongside will require little updating after they have been set up.
The ability to offer personal star charts to guests can make your business more successful. As with the previous options, these can also be found on the web, you just need to add your own stamp and personalize them.
The work involved shouldn’t be too time-consuming, since thousands of webmasters base their online business on rewriting existing articles and posts and not just get away with it, but improve the article as well.
Any successful business relies on attracting traffic to succeed, and this is the ideal way to do so for an online business.
Your overhead costs will be the few costs associated with managing the website, everything else will be profit.
You need to have a genre of online content that is guaranteed to draw people to your site – join all the directories you can find and promote your site through forums and other internet communities. You will receive lots of traffic as long as you maintain an active membership in these.
Irrespective of whether you believe in fortune telling through your horoscope and the position of the stars on your birthday, this is a sensible undertaking. As an online business model, it has a lot of potential.
What are the secrets of psychic readings? Is it possible to read minds? Is it spiritual divination? What is it? Telepathy? Good guesses?
Would a good psychic instead simply count on the gullibility of the person getting a reading, and simply throw enough general fluff out there and hope that something sticks?
I’m surprised that I can honestly state that everything above is true! (I have worked with) psychics, mediums, and clairvoyants who receive information from a source that seems to be independent of their own mind.
I have witnessed psychic readings during which it was evident the psychic was receiving information from the client, something akin to telepathy or ESP on steroids.
Several gifted psychics have predicted the future, made incredible predictions that came true, and even once interviewed a reader who told me about a specific dream I had, with incredibly precise details, and even described what it was meant to warn me of as well.
Having said that It’s hard not to notice that many mediums, psychics, fortune tellers, and clairvoyants guess, dig for information, ask leading questions, or use basic cold reading techniques and when none of those work, simply guess (often with embarrassing results).
While some people still ask my opinion on fortune telling, I believe that the phrase “fortune teller” in its own right is a bad one and not indicative of what a true psychic does.
The reality is that we have much to learn about our universe. It is universally acknowledged by scientists, spiritualists, and skeptics alike. There is much that we do not understand about the mind, the brain, the body, or how all of these parts of the human being interact or how.
My best offer is this: I’ve had hundreds of psychic readings, many of which have caused me to completely change my views on life, death, and everything in between. These readings have taught me that we are all connected in simple ways.
Even though you and I have different bodies, different backgrounds, and different convictions, we’re all part of the same great plan, somewhere deep down. Each of us has a purpose, a path, and a destiny to discover.
A good fortune teller, or a good professional intuitive to put it more respectfully, is someone who is able to tap into your destiny and gently guide you in the right direction (And help you get where you’re supposed to go!)