English is a very important language for everyone, not only for exams but also for future communication as it is very commonly used everywhere. It is very important to learn from a young age and the best learning starts at the school level.
Making it easier, the NCERT will be the best guide from the initial to the advanced level for learning.
Checking on the syllabus of class 4 English which consists of a total of nine units and some important grammar topics.
The Little Fir Tree, Run, Nasruddin’s Aim, Why? Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark, Helen Keller, Hiawatha, The Scholar’s Mother Tongue, A Watering Rhyme, The Giving Tree, The Donkey, Books, Going to Buy a Book, The Naughty Boy, Pinocchio, Wake Up, Neha’s Alarm Clock, Noses, Alice in Wonderland
The grammar has the basic topics that are Nouns, Verbs, Tenses, Adjectives, Pronouns, Conjunction, Preposition & Interjection, Adverbs, Punctuations, Comprehension, Prefix & Suffix, Silent letters, Vowels & Consonants, Syllables, Story Writing, Antonym & Synonym, Composition, People and their work, Family relation to vocabulary, Degree of comparison, Vocabulary.
You can click on NCERT Books Class 4 English for the details.
The basic grammar should be made understood with the rules to be followed from the initial stage so that they get used to and learn to format the answers in a well presentable manner. The main element of any language is grammar. Learning grammar correctly from a young age will build confidence and develop vocabulary skills.
Reading and writing.
Students should be made to read the lessons to make them familiar with the words and phrases that are used.
Once they understand the chapter then they can start writing the answers. When they practise writing they will know how to form sentences.
Class 4 has all the basic grammar which will be very useful when they go to the higher classes. Grammar is just like mathematics and can be well gripped only through practice. So a consistent habit of regular practise should be developed in children.
Reading Newspapers and small storybooks.
Developing a habit of reading newspapers at an early age is the best method of learning a language. They can also be taught to note down new words every day. This way they will learn the words and also can use them in sentence formation. Children can be made to read small storybooks which will be interesting and also they learn.
Confidence amongst children can be best developed from a young age. This is possible only when they start communicating. As children, they will not be hesitant of any mistakes while speaking and they learn better. But if they don’t practise communicating in English at a young age then it is difficult to start when they grow as the hesitation and the botheration of mistakes will capture their mind. Communication at school and home is very important and can be learned quickly.
These are some of the important methods to learn the language.
Below are the benefits of studying through NCERT for all the classes.
NCERT is an autonomous institute approved by the Government of India. NCERT performs the role of developing good-quality textbooks for CBSE students. These books are a major benefactor to the students appearing for the board exams. NCERT books are extremely useful and important in their sense.
Only experts in the field write the books–
The experts are highly qualified and extremely proficient. They have a clear idea and extensive knowledge in their field of study. The language used is simple and lucid which is easily comprehensible. All the information available in the NCERT books is authentic and is monitored and approved only by the experts.
The NCERT books are the next best teacher for the students appearing for the board exams
Students reading the NCERT books will have a crystal clear idea about the chapters. Besides the content, even the quality of the books is good.
NCERT books strictly adhere to the CBSE curriculum– The NCERT books strictly follow the syllabus prescribed by CBSE. Students must go through these books thoroughly to have their fundamental base strong. Once the base is clear, scoring good marks is easy. NCERT books are extremely handy for this purpose as students hardly have any doubts after going through the chapters.
All the key points are mentioned in the answers– Students do not miss out on any aspect as they read all the main points required for an answer. The books are written in such a way that students don’t need to mug the answers. Students will understand the idea expressed, without extra effort and can, therefore save their time. Students will not require any other reference book as the NCERT books are the all-rounder. The student will also find ample time for revising even after reading a whole book of NCERT.
Paper-setters usually prepare question papers based on the NCERT books
There are also many sample papers in the books, which if solved will give a find-hand idea to the board examinee about the type of questions that might come in their exams. These sample papers are a life savior. Solving these papers will successfully cut down on their anxiety and will boost their confidence. At times, the CBSE board exam question papers are difficult, as the questions are tricky. Students who have followed NCERT books will still find answering those questions easy as NCERT books prepare the students accordingly. Therefore, it is well understood that NCERT books are very important and beneficial for the CBSE students who will sit for their board exams. These books are the best guide that a student can get. We all know giving a board exam is the first big step in the academic life of a student. So, to make the first step successful and memorable, students are recommended to purchase and follow NCERT books only.