There are many advantages to 3D printing, but how does 3D printing work? Well, this process can be as simple or as difficult as you like.
In essence, 3D printing is the process of taking non-solid unformed materials and transmute them into a stable and formed object.
In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about 3D printing. So that you can decide if you would like to try it for yourself.
Yes, you heard that right. You can try it on your own because 3D printing is now affordable. Whenever you’re ready to delve into this world, keep reading.
What Is A 3D Printer?
3D printers are a relatively new technology that allows us to transmute digital models into physically-accurate models. These machines are incredible because they are capable of producing various objects in a variety of materials, all from the same device.
A 3D printer can practically make anything from plastic toys to human body parts. 3D printers can replace traditional manufacturing lines with one machine.
It’s pretty much what inkjet bottles of ink have done to the printing press. It’s a transition into a new beginning, a continual process of a remarkable evolution.
How Does 3D Printing Work?
If you were to find out how does 3D printing works, you would do it in this fashion. You start by designing your model on your computer, connect the model to a printer via software, and then you would click on “print”. After a while, it will be done and you can take this creation of yours.
The process is somewhat like building a castle out of clay. You would create some clay and then put it together in a specific order, allowing each previous step to dry before you move on to the next. In simple steps, you would come to finish your home.
The 3D printer does something similar. It takes a whole image of a model, breaks it down into a variety of slices, then builds it up from the bottom-up. The layers stick together and form a concrete object.
Each of the parts can be complex as you want. 3D technology can help create moving mechanisms like wheels and hinges within the same project.
You can print an entire bike, part by part. Frame, handlebars, wheels, pedals, brakes, chain, so on and so forth. However, this can also be done in one go.
However, the challenge remains in leaving space in the right spots.
What’s the Potential?
Have you broken a thing of yours, and found that you cannot buy another and it can’t be replaced? Well, 3D printing can solve this problem, by making you a new one.
The world in which you can make anything at home is quite different from the one we live in. That’s the world in which we don’t need vehicles to deliver our goods, nothing is out of stock and there is no pollution, waste, or packaging.
It’s also the same world where items are made to your own measure, to your own needs. Furniture is made to fit the home, meals to fit your tastes, shoes to fit your feet, clothes to fit your body.
Even organs, bones, and skin can be made to treat injury. You can get these things now if you have lots of money, but the future of 3D printing is affordability.
If this sounds like science-fiction, look up personalized 3D printed products. The notion of doing all of your grocery shopping was also something out of science-fiction, and that was only 20 years ago.
Are There Limitations?
Even though purchasing an industrial 3D printer is more affordable than building a factory, the per-item cost will be higher. Thus, the economy of 3D printing technology cannot match mass production yet.
It also cannot match the perfect finishing of industrial robotized machines, nor is the material variety available yet. However, like all other household techs, the price will go down and the capabilities will only get better over time.
Many CAD users think 3D printing can’t help them, but that’s nonsense. Read this article for more information.
3D Printing Facts
3D printing has become quite popular recently, but not many people know that it’s been available for over 30 years. The method of stereolithography made used of UV lasers to make photopolymer solid. This was used to create 3D parts as well
This technology had become popular in five years since 1984, and other companies began to mimic this technique to create their own models. The reason why 3D printing is so common-place in tech culture is that 10 years ago, 3D printers became cheaper and more compact. Thus, allowing home use to be possible.
3D printing can also be done in a variety of ways. The fused deposition models make use of layered plastic filaments to fill certain shapes. The previous method of Stereolitoograpy takes UV lasers to cure resin, removing the supports of the model when solidification occurs. And Selective Laser Sintering makes use of powdered metal to create solid structures.
Another 3D printing limitation for many years was the fact that only a single polymer could be used to create models. However, today, we have a large variety of materials to print models. These materials are but are not limited to silver, gold, ceramics, wood, titanium, etc.
3D print companies are taking advantage of these materials to create more useful models, such as clothing, house parts, drones, jewelry, and much more. Most significantly, there is a lot of progress in organic 3D printing that allows to treat patients or to create prosthetics for individuals who need limbs.
Finally, 3D technology is not only for the powerful and rich. The first few printers were released at a very expensive price, but as the technology began to occupy the mind of the tech crowds, the resulting demand has lowered the price drastically. You can buy a device for $300 and already start your maker journey today.
Interesting Technology for You
Now that you have uncovered how does 3D printing works, you are that much closer to decide if you would like to try it for yourself. In any case, it will only set you back a couple of hundred bucks to start, but the enjoyment that you get might be invaluable.
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