Buying your very first home as a couple should not be taken lightly and carelessly. At this point, both of your finances will be shouldered by one another. So, intensive deliberation, communication and planning must be done by both parties. Both of you must think ahead; think about your finances when you are going to have a kid and how you will finance both of your lifestyles.
What is a mortgage?
Unless both of you have saved up enough money to buy your home in cash, paying your mortgages won’t be your problem. But if you think about it, there are more finances to consider when you’re starting a family. Consider getting a house loan or financial assistance from a trusted finance company. For example, SHL Finance is offering various plans for first-time home buyers. It can even assist you in paying an existing loan or extend a helping hand for your first-time business ventures. A mortgage is part of the loan, and it has two components, principal and interest. The principal is the stand-alone amount of the loan, while interest is the additional amount computed by the interest that has been agreed upon by both parties.
Why should you get a finance partner?
Opportunities aren’t there forever. Getting a loan secures possibilities of loss and giving you a fallback. But to convince you, even more, this article is here to assure you that getting a loan is not a trap for you to be under a huge debt in the future.
- Research about the finance company’s terms: Some finance company requires 5-10% deposit for you to be granted a loan. But the good thing for other companies that have a reliable team, like SHL Finance, advise you on which type of loan you would consider. Given your needs and resources available. Also, take into consideration other fees that would come with the loan. Interests, property insurance, or anything that they would require. Interest rates may vary from one company to another and depending on the type of loan you are getting.
- Build a good profile: For your loan to be approved, you should build a good financial profile. If you have outstanding loans, make sure that you never missed a payment or you were never blacklisted from a lending company. If that’ll be your first time getting a loan, make sure you pay your bills on time so that you could get another one next time.
- Choose carefully on which type of loan you can afford: The usual loan types offered by companies are conventional loans, federal housing administration (FHA) loans and VA loans.
- Understand the pre-approval process and its advantages: When applying for a loan, you provide details such as your income, assets, credit and loan history. If the financing company finds it outstanding, you will most likely get pre-qualified or pre-approval. When you are buying a property, it is not necessarily needed. But it makes the process faster.
Plan for the future so that you won’t regret anything. Getting a loan or financial advice, in general, is essential in ensuring a good life for you and your family. It gives you and your future kids a sense of security that would benefit you even more in the future.
About The Author: Paul Sebastian