Gloss phobia is the fear of public speaking. So, it would seem, the thought of public speaking strikes fear into the hearts of even the bravest and boldest. Surprisingly, this fear is so prevalent that it plagues 75% of the world’s population. Therefore, you can find peace in knowing that it is perfectly normal to experience anxiety concerning public speaking. However, as a cybersecurity specialist, you will e called upon, sometimes unexpectedly, to speak publicly. As such, you need to develop public speaking skills and get over the fear. Here are some tips to help you become a better public speaker.
- Start with a Story
People enjoy being entertained. They want to consume information in a way that stimulates their minds. If you want to be a great cybersecurity speaker, you should learn the art of storytelling. You can tell stories to help people make decisions and decide where they stand on a matter. Even so, when telling a story, make sure you retain an element of suspense. Your audience should be captivated by your story and left asking questions. If you want your audience to come to a particular conclusion, frame the problem from the very beginning. They need to see the problem to want a solution.
- Practice and Practice Some More
the best thing about being a cybersecurity speaker is that there are lots of anecdotes to use. You can give hacker stories and then find a way to relay your message. Glossophobia is a result of many things. It could be the fear of being rejected or judged. It could also be that you are afraid of embarrassing yourself in front of strangers or, worse yet, your loved ones. Even so, the best way to get over any fear is to face it. In this case, it means practicing public speaking with an audience of people around you. Do it until you are afraid no more.
- Body Language
when you are giving a presentation, your body language matters as much as the message, you have. If your body language shows that you are confident, your audience will react to it. They are going to respect you and listen to what you have to say. To increase confidence, dress in an attire that makes you feel your best; it will show. Use gestures and expressions to make your audience connect with you.
- Give Value
your audience will be more receptive to your message if you give them value. They need to know that you are giving helpful information to make them better people. If you stand in front of your audience and start selling your product or service, they will immediately switch off. The best way to captivate this audience is to give information that will be helpful.
- Eat, Drink and Rest Well
It might not seem like it, but eating well will help you give a better presentation. You are well-rested and energetic, your voice projection will be better, and your brain function at its best. You wouldn’t want to have brain fog in the middle of giving a presentation. Don’t overeat lest you be tired and sleepy. In conclusion, public speaking is not difficult to master. Acknowledge the fear and move past it by practicing continuously. In no time, you will be an expert public speaker.