In Australia, cycling is a big sport. According to data in 2019, cycling is one of the top forms of physical activity on the continent. More than 80% of people cycle for recreational reasons while slightly one third use their bikes for transport. They use bikes for work, education, shopping, or visiting friends.

Cycling is one of the best exercises you can teach your child. There are many good reasons for getting kids to ride kids bikes in Australia. This article lists several ways why you should purchase a bike for your child.
- Start your kid early
Having an early start in cycling helps build muscle memory which can be described as bodily movements the muscles become familiar with over a period. This memory also applies to cycling, and you might have experienced how things you learned at a young age remain with you better throughout your life.
- Your kids will learn a better style
Riding kids bikes in Australia also helps your kid build a good technique on the bike. It will be safer for them when riding the bike on the roads later on as adults. There are various opinions regarding what is the best when it comes to learning a bike. Some propose that children should start with training wheels. But at the end of the day, the most crucial thing is your child learns in the best way they are most comfortable with.
- Improve confidence
If you have children, you will likely notice how they often fear falling off. But kids typically forget about falls in seconds if these incidents ever happen. It is a good thing they can brush off the experience because it is part of learning how to cycle. Learning young provides confidence on two wheels which will be more difficult to develop if they start learning later in life. Confident cyclists are often safer on the road.
- Learn about traffic
Investing in a trailer bike is one of the best ways to get your kids on the road. They will have the perfect vantage for getting the hang of what to do and what not to do in traffic. These lessons will send them in good stead beyond their bikes.
Bear in mind that it is illegal to bike without lights in Australia. Bicycle riders must never ride a bicycle during nighttime or in hazardous conditions unless the bike has a flashing or white light at the front. There must also be a flashing or steady light at the back. The bike must also have a red reflector that illuminates at the rear.
- Make cycling good family times
If you enjoy cycling, and your kids have learned how to cycle, you can share the experience. You can take the family out on good, fun, enjoyable trips through nature. You can share this interest with your children, providing you with good memories and loads of fun.
- Good exercise
Scientific experts recommend that children under five should be active physically for at least 180 minutes. This equates to three hours a day. Children between the ages of five and 18 should do at least 60 minutes of aerobic activity daily. Cycling is an ideal way of achieving part of these aims.
- Children who cycle are happy
What are the other reasons children must exercise? According to science, kids who exercise regularly garner several rewards. These include better self-worth, becoming more sociable, independent, and becoming better at focusing. They also have high-stress thresholds and learn better. Therefore, cycling leads to better mental, social, and physical health.
About The Author: Alison Lurie